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Fault Tracing of Volvo Engine TAD734GE

Oct. 18, 2019

Fault tracing of Volvo Power Generation Engine TAD734GE

A number of symptoms and possible causes of engine malfunctions are described in the table below. Always contact your Volvo Penta dealer if any problems occur that you cannot solve yourself.


WARNING! Read through the safety instructions for care and service in chapter “Safety information” before you start working.

Symptoms and possible causes

The Diagnostic button tell-tale lamp flashes

Refer to chapter “Diagnostics information”.

The engine cannot be shut off

2, 5

The starter motor is not working

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24

The starter motor runs slowly

1, 2

The starter motor runs normally, but the engine does not start

8, 9, 10, 11

Engine starts, but stops again

8, 9, 10, 11, 13

The engine does not reach the correct operational speed at full throttle

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 25, 26


Engine runs roughly

10, 11

High fuel consumption

12, 13, 15, 25

Black exhaust smoke

12, 13

Blue or white exhaust smoke

15, 22

Lubrication oil pressure too low


Coolant temperature too high

17, 18, 19, 20

Coolant temperature too low


No, or low charge

2, 23


1. Flat batteries

2. Poor contact/open circuit in cables

3. Main switch turned off.

4. Main automatic breaker defective

5. Defective ignition switch

6. Defective main relay

7. Defective starter motor/solenoid valve

8. Fuel shortage:

– fuel taps closed

– fuel tank empty/faulty tank connection

9. Blocked secondary fuel filter/ primary filter (due to contamination, separation due to low fuel level

10. Air in the fuel system

11. Water/contamination in fuel

12. Faulty injector

13. Insufficient air supply to engine:

– blocked air filter

– air leak between turbo and inlet manifold

– coked-up compressor parts in the turbocharger

– defective turbocharger

– poor ventilation in engine bay

14. Coolant temperature too high

15. Coolant temperature too low

16. Too low oil level

17. Coolant level too low

18. Air in cooling system

19. Defective circulation pump

20. Defective thermostat

21. Blocked charge air cooler

22. Oil level too high

23. Alternator drive belt slips

24. Water entry in engine

25. High back pressure in exhaust system

26. Open circuit in “Pot+” cable to pedal

Diagnostic function


The diagnostic function monitors and checks that the EMS 2 system functions normally. The diagnostic function has the following tasks:

• Detect and locate functional faults

• Inform that a functional fault has been detected

• Give guidance during fault tracing

Fault code

If the diagnostic function discovers a fault in the EMS -2 system, this is indicated via the fault code/fault reason on the instrument.

Both active (unrectified) and passive (rectified) faults are registered in the control system.

Refer to heading “Running” to read off fault codes/fault messages.

The fault code list contains all the fault codes and fault messages, together with information about causes, reactions and remedies that should be taken. Refer to chapter “Fault codes”.

NOTE: All instruments are options

Active faults

DCU (Display Control Unit)

• the text “!! ENGINE WARNING !!” is shown on the display.

NOTE: You can select the language for the information shown on the display.

CIU (Control Interface Unit)

• the diagnostic lamp starts to flash.

• Easy Link instrument (only with a CIU)

- the relevant lamp on the alarm panel lights

- once you have pressed the diagnostics button, the fault code is shown as text on the tachometer display.

DU (Display Unit)

• Either “WARNING!” or “ALARM STOP” (with buzzer) is shown on the display depending on how serious the fault is.

NOTE: You can select the language for the information shown on the display.

• Fault codes can also be read off using the VODIA tool. For information about using the tool, refer to the VODIA user guide.

Simultaneously, the fault will be stored in the control module memory. When the fault has been rectified and the ignition switch cycled off/on, the fault will no longer be active.

Inactive faults

• DCU - the fault is indicated as passive

• CIU - the diagnostic lamp goes out

• DU - the fault message disappears (inactive fault codes cannot be read off)

• Easy Link - the warning lamp on the alarm panel goes out

Effect on the engine

The engine is effected differently depending on how serious the fault detected by the diagnostic function is.

A fault message comprising the fault code is always created when the diagnostic function finds a functional fault.

The engine is effected differently depending on how serious the fault is.

• The engine is not effected

• The engine goes to idle

• The engine torque is limited to a certain degree

• Engine is stopped


When a functional fault has occurred and the diagnostics system has created one or more fault codes, then these can be read off in different ways depending on which equipment is used. Refer to section “Fault codes”.

If the system indicates that a fault code has been registered:

1. Lower the engine speed to idle or shut off the engine.

2. For DCU/DU

Read off the fault code registered on the display and refer to “Reading off fault codes via DCU” or “Reading off fault codes via DU”.


press the diagnostics button and read off the fault code by observing the diagnostic lamp flashes. Refer to “Reading off fault codes via the diagnostics lamp, CIU”.

3. Look up the fault code in chapter “Fault codes” and take the recommended actions.

Check the fault cause via DCU (Display Control Unit)

When a fault code has been created, the following text is shown on the display:


alternating with

“Press SEL for information”.

NOTE: You can select the language for the information shown on the display.

Read the fault code as follows:

1. Press the SEL button (to come to the fault list).

The fault list shows:

- Operation hours

- Fault cause

- Active/inactive

2. Look up the fault code in chapter “Fault codes” and take the recommended actions.

3. Press the ESC-button to leave the fault list. NOTE: To open the fault list when no fault codes are set, press the SEL-button and select “Diagnostics” from the menu.

Read off the fault codes via DU (Display Unit)

Depending on how serious the fault is, one of the fol-lowing texts will be displayed: “WARNING!” or “ALARM STOP” (buzzer sounds).

1. Press any button to get to the fault list.

The fault list shows:

- Operation hours

- Fault message

2. Look up the fault code in chapter “Fault codes” and take the recommended actions.

3. Press ACK to acknowledge the code. The display background color changes (buzzer is muted).

4. Press EXIT to leave the fault list.

Reading off the fault code via the diagnostics lamp on the instrument panel, CIU

When the system has detected a functional fault, the diagnostic lamp starts flashing. If you press and release the diagnostics button, a fault code will be flashed out.

The fault code consists of two groups of flashes, separated by a pause of two seconds. The fault codes are read by counting the number of flashes in each group. Example: pause = Fault code 2.4 The fault code is registered and can be read off as long as the fault exists. You can find information concerning causes, reaction and remedies in chapter “Fault codes”.

Read the fault code as follows:

1. Press the diagnostics button.

2. Release the diagnostics button and note the fault which is displayed as flashes.

3. Repeat steps 1-2. A new fault code will be flashed

out if there are any more registered. Repeat until the first fault code is repeated.

NOTE: When the first fault code is shown again, all fault codes have been shown.

If you press the diagnostics button after a fault has been rectified and the fault codes erased, code 1.1 will be shown “No faults”.


Reading off a fault code via Easy Link instruments (only with CIU)

When the system has detected a functional fault, this will be reported by the diagnostics lamp flashing.

1. Press the diagnostics button. The fault code is shown as text in the tachometer display.

2. Look up the fault code in chapter “Fault codes” and take the recommended actions.

3. When the fault has been rectified, the fault code disappears from the display and the diagnostic lamp goes out.

Erasing fault codes

Fault codes can only be erased with the VODIA tool.

Read the following articles to know more information about Volvo diesel generator TAD734GE Engine

Parameter Settings of Volvo Engine TAD734GE

Component Location of Volvo TAD734GE Engine

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