Parallel connection of diesel generator sets should first meet the requirements of even power distribution. The even distribution of power includes both active power and reactive power. The so-called uniform distribution means that the active power and reactive power of each generator should be proportional to their rated power. There are clear requirements for the power distribution of parallel-operated generator sets in China
After the diesel generator set is installed, it must be thoroughly inspected before it is put into operation. Otherwise, it is easy to produce safety faults, which should be taken seriously. Therefore, in the case of the diesel generator set installed, Starlight will do a basic Commissioning work on the diesel generator set to test whether the unit is intact and normal. Let me introduce the basic Commissioning steps of the diesel generator set.
When the diesel engine is working, the water level in the radiator will gradually decrease due to the evaporation of the water. Therefore, the water level in the radiator should be checked before starting and when the starting time is long. If it is lower than the drain pipe, Replenish clean soft water. If it is hard water, it should be softened first.
Diesel generator sets play an important role in ensuring continuous and safe production, and its monitoring system is its core technology and key. The diesel generator set monitoring system includes hardware design and software design to ensure accurate measurement of the performance and operating status of the diesel engine block. The following is an analysis of the design and implementation of the diesel generator set monitoring system.
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