What is the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
The Volvo Penta TAD733GE is a turbocharged air-cooled 6-cylinder 7.2-liter diesel engine. Due to its sturdy design, the engine has low fuel consumption, minimal vibration and noise. The engine can also operate at 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 400 Hz.
Where are the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engines currently produced?
Volvo TAD733GE is currently manufactured in Germany.
Do you need a generator? Our diesel generators manufactured by Dingbo Electric include this Volvo Penta diesel engine.
What is the displacement of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
The total displacement of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE is 7.15 liters. The engine's oil system capacity (including filter) is 34 liters, and the total coolant capacity is 37.8 liters.
The generator efficiency of this engine is 92%.
What is the power output of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
At 50 Hz/1500 RPM, the main power output is 204 kVA and the standby power output is 224 kVA.
At 60 Hz/1800 RPM, the main power output is 228 kVA and the standby power output is 251 kVA.
What is the rated power of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
The TAD733GE can operate at primary or standby rated power, which means the engine can be used for various power applications.
What is the fuel consumption of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
The fuel consumption of Volvo Penta TAD733GE depends on its load. At a raw power of 1500 rpm, the fuel consumption is as follows (percentage of raw power):
At 25%, it uses 228 grams per kilowatt hour
At 50%, it uses 217 grams per kilowatt hour
At 75%, the power consumption is 214 grams per kilowatt hour
At 100%, it uses 216 grams per kilowatt hour
What is the size of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine?
The dimensions of the Volvo Penta TAD733GE are 1857 x 1003 x 1455 millimeters. The basic weight of the engine is 785 kilograms (dry weight) and 826 kilograms (wet weight), respectively.
This type of diesel engine can be connected to an AC generator to create a diesel generator, which is used to provide power for various power consuming tasks.
What customer support does the Volvo Penta TAD733GE diesel engine provide?
TAD733GE is supported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by Volvo Penta. This support network can be used in 28 different languages and will help you contact your local Volvo Penta dealer to assist you with any issues you may encounter during device use.
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