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How to Safely Use Diesel Generators? Part 2

Apr. 07, 2024

Next, we will continue to introduce how to use diesel generators more safely.

power generating sets

2. Controller.


Generator - regardless of the machine. Internally, it includes the engine, fuel tank, and other parts that require special attention during operation. If there is a dashboard in the car, users can see all the work information on the dashboard, and the generator will also have it. Moreover, this is necessary for both large fixed generators and small portable generators. The only difference is that some devices have a set of standard devices, while others have advanced devices.


The necessary component of the console is a voltmeter, which displays the current voltage value of the generator during operation. It may be mechanical or electronic. The latter is more accurate. In general, there is a backlit LCD screen on the circuit board, which can simplify the day's work monitoring. In addition to the voltmeter, there may be a clock counter here, which can track the total usage time for timely technical inspection and maintenance.


When the power of the generator is greater than 2kw, there can be indicator lights on the control panel, which greatly facilitates work control. I want to know the purpose of these things:


Liquid level indicator: When the oil level drops to the allowable limit, it will trigger, telling the user that oil needs to be added. There is no need to check the oil level with a feeler gauge every time it is used.


Fuel level gauge: When refueling is needed, the light bulb will light up. That doesn't mean the tank is empty (the generator can still run for a period of time), but the liquid level has reached a minimum limit, which is unique to power plants and depends on the tank capacity. When it continues to descend, the engine will stop working.


Load indicator: triggered when the current flowing through the rotor exceeds the rated value of the generator. When on the apron, it can prevent serious malfunctions of electrical equipment.


Undoubtedly, if the user is already close to the running generator and can detect these signals, an alarm system can be used. In addition, the power plant operates 24 hours a day and cannot monitor its operation at any time. There is another solution to this!


3. Equipped with an automatic protection system.


Short circuit is the most common cause of generator operation failure. In addition, during use, it is not only necessary to cause serious damage to electrical components, but also to cause fire or electric shock. To avoid these adverse consequences, install an automatic shutdown system on small generators and longitudinal differential protection on high-power equipment. In this way, when the rated value of the current force seriously exceeds, the current station will shut down. When the voltage jump is very small, the presence of the stabilizer can remain stable without interruption. For engine protection, the generator can be equipped with a probability trip system for low oil or overheating.


This protection system adopts automatic triggering technology, which can ensure the safe operation of the power plant without using the user. They are commonly used for high-power devices that work continuously for long periods of time.


So, do you know what protective equipment and systems can be installed in generators, and what their requirements are. Based on the usage and intensity of the equipment, you can choose the optimal ratio between additional equipment and power plant costs.


Dingbo Power was founded in 1974 and is one of the earliest manufacturers of generators and diesel generator sets in China. If you want get more information, please feel free to send email to sales@dieselgeneratortech.com we will pay highly attention on your question.

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