Frequency is one of the criteria for the stability of power supply. If the frequency of generator set varies greatly, it will cause damage to electrical equipment and lead to machine failure or safety accident. Therefore, generators set should be maintained at rated frequencies as far as possible. The rated frequency of most country is 50 Hz. However, due to the increase and decrease of load in power system, sometimes the rated frequency can not be maintained under the condition of peak load.
In case of diesel generator failure, the fault characteristics should be analyzed carefully and promptly. If the exhaust smoke color is abnormal, you must first determine what color the smoke appears. Then the find the right remedy, so that we can find out the root cause of the failure.
As a self-provided emergency power supply equipment, diesel generator set is applied in various fields. Many users do not understand why the same brand, the same power generator sets so different prices. In this regard, Jiangsu starlight electricity equipment Co., Ltd. as a professional manufacturer of diesel generator sets help you to understand the reasons for price differences:
In order to keep the cooling system clean, the engine cooling system must be cleaned after the engine coolant is replaced or the engine is overhauled.
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