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Shangchai W Series Diesel Engine Storage

Dec. 16, 2017


This is the final part for Shangchai W Series Engine Operation And Maintenance Manual. At the previous part, we have already learned the safety cautions, engine installation, engine operation instructions, engine maintenance and troubleshooting guidelines. In this section, we will learn the knowledge of how to store a diesel engine.`


 Shangchai W Series Diesel Engine Storage

1. Short Time Storage

If the engine is to be out of service for a period of time (1 to 3 months), measures of cleaning and necessary oil seal should be taken for rust protection.


1.1 Before Storage

(1) Clean the engine surface and check for any dirt, or oil stain or water stain and rust. Dry the engine with compressor air. Apply anti-rust oil to the unpainted machining surface of the engine with a brush and keep the parts of rubber, plastic and fiber free from the anti-rust oil.


Caution: The surface of the front drive pulleys must be kept from rust.

The anti-rust oil requirement for outside engine is as follows:












Brown in even







Drop point





Freezing Resistance





Oil stability, ml






Salt test


Steel sheet




Cast iron sheet



Humid heat test

Steal sheet




Cast iron sheet



Lamination test (7 days)

Steel sheet




Corrosion test (14 days

Steel sheet




Cast iron sheet





(2) Disconnect the battery, clean terminals and apply a light film of grease. Charge the battery.

(3) Let the drive belt in loose.

(4) Seal all ports of air , fuel, oil and coolant, as well as the air filter with damp-proof material or plastic one.

(5) Cover the engine with plastic cover or similar stuff and place the engine in a dry area with good ventilation.


1.2 During The Storage

charge the battery every month. Check the electrolyte level of the battery that needs maintenance and add adding special liquid or distilled water if necessary before charging. Crank the crankshaft three to four circles every month with barring tool.


1.3 After Storage


When putting the engine into use, remove the fuel pump and send it to the authorized service provider for adjustment. Remove the engine cover and all port seals, and connect necessary lines. Install the fuel pump and prime the fuel system. Connect battery and install the belt. Check lubricating oil and coolant levels, and add proper amount of lubricating oil into the turbocharger from its oil inlet. Crank the engine three to five circles with barring tool. Then follow the starting procedure in Section 3.5 to start the engine.


2. Long Time Storage

2.1 Before Storage


If the engine is to be out of service for a long time (more than 3 months), proper storage of the engine is required.

(1) On last engine operation, drain the lubricating oil in the engine and oil filter after the engine has stopped and cooled down to warm state. It is not necessary to drain coolant because it is anti-rust. Add qualified anti-rust oil (dewatered CF 15W-40 oil) into the engine to idle for 1-1.5 minutes and stop it, then drain the anti-rust oil.

(2) Refer to article 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Section 1.1 short time storage for cleaning, preventing rust and other requirements. And put a tag which reads “the engine does not contain oil and do nto use it.”


2.2 During The Storage

Refer to 1.2 for storage.


2.3 After Storage


When putting the engine into use, remove the fuel pump and send it to the authorized service provider for adjustment. Remove the engine cover and all port covers, and connect necessary lines. Install the fuel pump and prime the fuel system. Connect battery and install the belt. Fill the engine and oil filter with clean lubricating oil and add proper amount of clean lubricating oil into turbocharger from its oil inlet. Check oil and coolant levels, and crank the engine three to five circles with barring tool. Then follow the starting procedures in Section 4.5 to start the engine. If the engine is stored for over 2 years, its coolant should be changed and its cooling system should be cleaned.



For engine troubleshooting guielines information, please visit:

Shangchai W Series Engine Troubleshooting Guidelines

Shangchai W Series Engine Troubleshooting Guidelines II

Shangchai W Series Engine Troubleshooting Guidelines III

Shangchai W Series Engine Troubleshooting Guidelines IV

Shangchai W Series Engine Troubleshooting Guidelines V

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