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Volvo Penta Diesel Engine Illustration

Oct. 18, 2019

This is the illustration part for Volvo penta diesel engine. User can follow the illustration instructions below to understand, operate and maintain this serious diesel engine correctly.

A lot of illustration contains standardized symbols and colors. Please refer to the following information to reduce misunderstanding when working on an engine / transmission using this workshop manual.


Illustration colors

Illustration colors

Most illustrations have a focused component (blue) which is fastened by a (red) bolt or such on a (light grey) engine / transmission body.



Focus arrows pointing at object. Sometimes it contains number of items, e.g. three bolts.


Notice! If an arrow with the text “x3” is pointing at only one item, e.g. a bolt, it still applies to the other two alike items (the two other bolts) highlighted in the illustration.


This symbol gives a positioning number to an object, e.g. 2, which is also mentioned in the supplied text information.


The symbol to the left shows part no. Of the positioned special tool, e.g. 9991802.

The symbol on the right side is used when something needs to be replaced by a new part/ kit.





Movement arrows are used to show which direction a component is to be moved /rotated.



Symbol is used in a comer of the illustration to show how many degrees the object shall be turned and at which direction.



Symbol is used to show how many revolutions the object shall be turned and at which direction.





One of the following symbols us used when describing the recommended type of screwdriver.


Tools (continuance)




A symbol of a tool in comer of the illustration is shown when the tool is recommended to use, e.g. a knife or a crowbar.




A drill in a special size, duck tape and stripes may also be shown as symbol.




Symbols can also describe and how a chemical products is to be used.



The scraper symbol suggests that a contact surface needs to be scraped from etc.

The cloth symbol suggest that the mechanic should clean the contact surface thoroughly or be prepared for some oil spill or similar.





The tube symbol shows how thick layer of sealant to applicate.

The clock symbol is used when something needs to be done within or after a certain time.




Units are mentioned in the illustration when a specific value (e.g. pressure, weight or resistance etc.) is expected.




The eye symbol is used when something needs close inspection or must be performed in a certain way.


The symbol to the right is used when several mechanics are needed.




These symbols are used when a certain safety related equipment is needed.


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